Snowdrops and Primroses Festival


Festival Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti

Festival dates11.2.2025

Snowdrops and Primroses Festival 2020 Festival panel Photo Nada Zgank.jpgFestival of Slovenian Jazz Creativity Snowdrops and Primroses in Cankarjev dom, 2020.

The Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, taking place annually in Club Cankarjev dom, is dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity and reflects the ongoing evolution of composition, methodology, and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists' established domicile. Although started with a view to providing a yearly insight into the evolving Slovenian jazz scene, the organizers had to acknowledge the fact that the country’s output is deeply embedded in international jazz currents. Recognizing this important feature, the festival seeks to provide a platform for creative processes that transcend both conceptual and territorial boundaries. Moreover, Snowdrops and Primroses Festival is not a festival of newcomers; it’s only the concepts and the compositions that are fresh.

Snowdrops and Primroses Festival 2024 poster.pngPoster for the 10th Snowdrops and Primroses Festival.

See also

External links

Festival Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti +
23.2.2015, 23.2.2016, 7.3.2017, 27.2.2018, 5.3.2019, 25.2.2020, 9.2.2021, 8.2.2022, 14.2.2023, 13.2.2024 - 14.2.2024, 11.2.2025 +
20,250,211 +
20,250,211 +
201509 +, 201608 +, 201710 +, 201809 +, 201910 +, 202009 +, 202106 +, 202206 +, 202307 +, 202407 +  and 202507 +
Festival Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti +
The Snowdrops and Primroses FestivalThe Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, taking place annually in Club Cankarjev dom, is dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity and reflects the ongoing evolution of composition, methodology, and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists' established domicile.eading protagonists' established domicile. +
The Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, takiThe Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, taking place annually in Club Cankarjev dom, is dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity and reflects the ongoing evolution of composition, methodology, and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists' established domicile.eading protagonists' established domicile. +